Participant Schools
Our schools, as well as the regions, owns a great naturalistic heritage, actually not very exploited and that, with a good project support, could become an experimental laboratory that can promote:
Environmental and sustainable development education;
Entrepreneurship joint to the environment protection and enhancement;
More efficient use of resources;
Inclusive growth, social development, education for citizenship, in an international dimension, real
Added value of this project.
All schools in the partnership share the same problems but some are an advanced example of good practices and sustainable development
TARGET: All classes groups from 14 to 17
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "G.A. Pischedda"
Country: Italy; City: Bosa
Escola Técnica e Profissional do Ribatejo
Country: Portugal; City: Santarém
Konak Izmir Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Country: Turkey; City: Izmir
4th Gymnasium of Mytilene
Country: Greece; City: Mytilene
Szkola Podstawowa nr 368 im. "Polskich Olimpijczykow"
Country: Poland; City: Warsaw